Monday, March 31, 2014

What you need to know BEFORE you register for the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend!

It's coming up soon...

Registration day for the 2015 WDW Marathon weekend, January 7 - 11!!!   Mark your calender for April 22 to register for your events....Keep an eye on the important dates and info through the runDisney website.
What you need to know:

(1)  Make a decision which race you are going to do ahead of time! (You have plenty of time to train!)  This race sells out in 48 hours sometimes!  You can choose from the Family fun run 5k, 10k, Half-Marathon, Full Marathon, Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge (the Half + the Full marathon) or if you're really crazy...the Dopey Challenge! (the 5k + 10k + Half + Full)

(2)  Start talking to your friends NOW to coordinate your registration!  You don't want to end up being the only one who actually got in.  (Remind them they have plenty of time to train!)

(3)  Registration is around $180 for the half/full!  Be prepared to pay the whole amount at the time of registration!

(4)  There is a sport travel company that partners with runDisney called GET Travel .  After you register through RunDisney, you will receive an email from them with package deals on hotels and discounted park tickets.
This is important!

You can only get their discounted package deal on a hotel room at select Disney Resorts IF you also purchase your race registration from Get Travel!!!  

They will also allow you to make payments on your room reservations through December!  However, your race registration still must be paid in full at the time you register for both, through the travel company.  The race price is exactly the same at both sites.

(5)  You have the opportunity to purchase discounted park tickets through Get Travel, regardless which site your race registration is through.  This can be done later.

(6)  If you are interested in registering for the race AND booking your hotel package at one of the host RunDisney Resort hotels, then make sure you go to GET Travel and sign up for their email alerts!  

If you register for the race through runDisney directly, you are NOT eligible for the package deal with hotel through GET Travel!

I spoke directly to a Get Travel Agent last week, who confirmed this information,  She said that every year, there are so many disappointed (and confused) racers who end up not being able to get the discounted hotel rooms because they first registered through runDisney for their races.  I'm not sure why they aren't more closely linked or make this clear to runners prior to the race...but I thought it was important to share with all of you!  I too was confused!  I had originally called to make sure my facts were straight because I just got called to jury duty the day registration opens, and I have to leave clear instructions with my hubby to register me! Good Luck!

"When you runDisney...every mile is magic!"

Thursday, March 27, 2014

More than just a tutu!

I just received this "letter" in my email...and thought it was important enough to share with all of you.  Fellow Flowers is one of my favorite sites for its cute running accessories and inspirational clothing.  Actually, the whole site is based on inspirational runners and their personal struggles and stories...and it's worth taking a look at the video of how they came to be. (make sure you grab a tissue!)   Kudos to Fellow Flowers for taking a stand against a magazine, speaking out for runners with style everywhere!  Please read the letter below.

Fellow Flowers
 WHY It's More than just a Tutu
Have you heard about the tutus? By now, many of you may have seen a post or two in your news feed related to Self Magazine’s tasteless mocking of two women runners wearing tutus. (Fellow runners Tara and Monika of Glam Runner were dressed as superheroes ... because Monika was recently diagnosed with brain cancer and was running a marathon in the middle of chemo.) Badass and beautiful, indeed. But rather than focus on that lil’ slice of awesome, the magazine neglected context, and decided to focus their words on making fun of their outfits. Yes, even if you’re not the tutu type, runners don’t criticize other runners for wearing them.

Come on’ now, that’s like Runner 101 – Thou Shalt Not Put Down Another Runner. Like, Ever.

And then we started to think about it. Monika and Tara publicly voicing their disappointment created a news story. And then, the overwhelming frustration expressed in social media today by women, groups and organizations made it a national conversation. And then, after feeling the heat (and likely sincere regret), Self Magazine apologized, and plenty of media coverage has since ensued.

What happened today was significant. We moved the dial, in a very good way. We shifted the conversation and made it about something bigger. We focused on WHY these women were running…and collectively, made sure that SELF magazine recognized it as well.

And, it could most definitely and admirably end there.

But this afternoon we also scanned a few of the most popular publications directed toward women who run and aspire to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Here’s a very short list of the words we saw taking up cover space:

‘Lose’ ‘Burn’ ‘Diet’
‘15 Minutes’
‘Lose 5 pounds’
‘Fit and sexy’
’10 Hunger Fixes’
‘Look Great Naked’
‘Total Body Sex’


Ladies, Monika and Tara fearlessly moved the dial today, but are we totally satisfied with that? Perhaps, if we all voice our opinion just a little bit louder, we can actually change the entire conversation about the type of content and stories that we want to see…and buy…and support.

Imagine if we walked down the aisle and saw magazines with the faces and bodies of women who looked like us? Where the woman rocking a tutu who is fighting brain cancer was on the cover… not being mocked for her style.

Rarely do we dip our toes into this space – of publicly voicing our opinions on current events and issues. And yet, we’d like to challenge SELF and other leading women’s health and fitness magazines to raise their editorial game a bit. Take the inspirational segments and stories of your magazines (because you do have them, and they are wonderful) and rather than hide them in the middle section, put them on your cover.

Feature the everyday woman doing extraordinary things. SHE is wonderful. SHE is amazing. And SHE is worth reading about.

Replace ‘lose, burn and diet’ with words like ‘dream, courage and empowerment.’

See what happens. Give it a chance. Maybe you’ll be surprised that women don’t need buzzwords to buy your magazines… at least, we’d like to think so.

And one more thing. SELF… we are huge believers in a great comeback. Redemption and second chances are always welcome here.

Since the beginning, our sole purpose with Fellow Flowers has been to honor, share and celebrate the reasons behind WHY women run. Raw, real and resilient. Free of judgment and stereotypes. A community where you are free to celebrate who you are, be it with tutus, crazy socks, costumes… and yes, even flowers. So if you want the opportunity to highlight women who are the epitome of strong, resilient, beautiful and courageous, we have a few thousand you might want to talk to. Seriously.

Mel & Tori
Co-founders, Fellow Flowers

Shop Now

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Any Time is a Good Time to Start Running!

Regardless of your age or fitness level, running regularly will give you a wide array of benefits.  Those benefits include:

*Increased energy levels
*Lower chance of developing heart disease
*Lower chance of getting a variety of different cancers
*Better sleep at night means you feel more rested the next day
*Weight loss

The list could go on and on!  Simply putting on your running clothes, find some good running shoes, and get to it!
If you are in need of motivation, check the results from a local race sometime and note the ages of most of the participants.  Running is a popular hobby to take up later in life, and you will likely see that most of the race finishers were over 35, and many are well older than that.  It is truly never too late to get started as a runner!

See Your Doctor

Before getting into a running program, or any other strenuous exercise routine, it is a wise idea to visit your physician for an overall checkup.   Everyone is advised to take this step, but especially those with the following conditions:

-Significantly overweight
-History of heart problems
-Total beginner with an exercise program
-Trouble breathing, such as asthma
-Chronic Fatigue issues
-Over forty years of age

While it may seem like a pain to go see your doctor, it is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are healthy and ready to start your running program worry free!
(Running for Weightloss App)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ragnar Del Sol 2014 {run, drive, sleep?, repeat!}

{February 21 -22, 2014}

I recently had the opportunity to join a team that was running in the Ragnar Del Sol.  The Ragnar  is a team relay race that takes place in various regions across the U.S (and one in Canada).  The "Del Sol" is the name of our very own race here in Arizona.  The basic premise is this:  gather a total of 12 runners to form a team (an extra non-runner to drive the team around is VERY helpful) 2 large capacity vans to shuttle around the team...then take turns running the 203 miles from start to matter what time of day it happens to be!  This hilarious video pretty much sums it up:

Yep.  It was fun!

To expand the explanation a bit...runners #1 thru #6 traveled in van 1.  They started the race in Wickenburg at 6am.  Runners #7 thru #12 traveled in van 2, and picked up the "baton" in Tonopah, after the first group of runners finished the first of 3 pre-designated legs.  Since I was runner #12, this story is pretty much told from the perspective of van #2.

Thursday night: Van Decorating Party!

Although the race officially started in the wee hours of Friday morning (February 21)...WE started the party on Thursday night!  Since I was added to the team only 3 weeks out from GO time...this was my first opportunity to meet the rest of the team.  I have to admit, I was a bit nervous!  (1)  This was my first Ragner ever...and (2) just don't know what you're going to get when you commit to spending 35 sweaty, tired hours of your life locked in a van with a bunch of girls you don't really know!!!

Van #2
I take that back....Stacy added me to the team (we met at a race on Thanksgiving and we have mutual acquaintences) , I had briefly chatted with Olivia in January at the Tinkerbell Half-Marathon, and I did a group run with Rebecca a few weeks back.  I added Lisa to our team 5 days before race day, but technically...she's my husband's friend.  I didn't meet Molly till race day, loading the van!  I also brought in my dear friend, Beth, who graciously gave up her weekend to drive us around!  I figured she was my safety net, in case they all turned out to be crazy!

Van #1
I finally got to meet the team captain, Audrey, at the party.  I was immediately relieved when I arrived at her house and was welcomed so warmly to the group!  There was a really positive vibe...and I started to relax.  (About the personality mix, that is!  Still was having race/packing anxiety!)  David (Audrey's bf) was working hard on the van art with Robbie, and Denise (David's sister) was helping too.  I wouldn't meet Tara or Robert until race day.

So...our team was "Bad Neighbors" (#142).  Several of us were a little unsure what to do with such a theme...but it turned out kinda funny!  We decided to go with the "lawn flamingo" logo and added "Red Solo Cups" (but kindly refrained from blasting the song out our windows), and broken Christmas lights...because that's what bad neighbors have on their property, right?  David was brilliant with his idea of wrapping the van in Saran Wrap and using white duct tape to secure it before painting.  This made clean-up a snap!
 Stacy's flamingo glasses rock!
 An empty field, full of Ragnar vans!

Exchange #6: Tonopah


As our beloved runners in van 1 were up and out by 3:30am to get to Wickenburg for a 6am start...we were able to get a full night's sleep.  We gathered at Stacy's house at 10am to load our van.  We needed to get to Tonopah by 11:30am for a safety briefing and make sure to be ready in case our speedy little runners got ahead of schedule!  I really wasn't sure what to expect.  It turns out we were seriously in the middle of nowhere, Arizona!  The exchange site was some empty field where they set up some tents and made an expo out of practically nothing!  Go figure!  Even in the middle of a girls couldn't help ourselves.  We went shopping!  Favorite vendor for our group?  I think it was a toss up between Nuun hydration and Bondi Band !  (love those sparkly, sweat repelling, head bands!)

***Legs 7-12...42.3 miles!***

Our first runner to go was #7, Molly!  And away she went...before I could even snap a pic!

Bad Neighbors, van #2 (sans Molly)

I got her coming in from her leg, though...handing the slap bracelet off to Stacy!
Exchange #7

Our route took us back up north, along the Sun Valley Parkway, where we had to be careful not to interrupt an ongoing cycling race already in progress.  Talk about a busy patch of road!

Exchange #8

Stacy hands off to Lisa, who is about to embark on the "race within a race"...she is running the "half-marathon" leg of the race!

Lisa is pretty amazing...she manages to do it in 1:50!  Awesome!!

Becky (#10) continues her leg north on Sun Valley Parkway...

Olivia's turn to run!  She will bring us into Surprise.  

Unfortunately, there are no good pics of me at my exchange.  However, there was much celebrating as we reveled in our elation of finishing the first third of the race!

We grabbed some dinner at Chipotle's and headed back to Stacy's house for quick showers and a nap before we have to head back out for our 2nd run!  This is the point where van #1 took over running legs #13 to #18...which will carry this story to about 1am  or so...

***Legs 19-24...21.3 miles***

Middle of the night runs...Anthem to Cave we go!!

 I loved seeing how other teams made their vans "shine"!

Olivia warms up Molly for her next run (leg 19) got pretty cold at 1:30am!

Molly's whole family came out to cheer her on!

Stacy is alert and perky for her leg (#20) !!

So, by this point, we were feeling a little energized.  The runs were a little shorter, and we were feeling confident that we had this down.  Except for me.  The energy was cresting with each runner...and each leg that was completed gave that person the release to go back to sleep.  Since I was the last runner in the nervous energy was growing by the minute!  I HAD to stay alert!
The Lisa Burrito runs leg #21

The temperature continued to drop...and we were resorting to wrapping each other in a blanket for warmth while "on deck" for our run.  Many of the night photos didn't come out very clear...the mandatory reflective gear wreaked havoc on the camera sensor!  We were required to wear the gear anytime we were outside the van during "evening" hours...5pm to 9am!

  Unfortunately, the reflective gear and extreme darkness didn't make for a very good picture of the exchange between Lisa and Becky.  As we dropped Becky off for leg #22, we drove by one of the 2 guys from the crazy, 2-man Ultra Team.  He didn't look so good as he staggered into the exchange!  I can't EVEN imagine!  He looked like he was going to drop dead.

Becky hands off to Olivia for leg #23!  4.1 miles and NO van support...

Almost done!  It's about 4am now...Concerns are growing as Stacy has been texting van 1 with a time update and hasn't gotten any response.  We are down to just Olivia and myself...and then SLEEP!

As we travel along Carefree Highway en route to the Lowe's parking occurs to me how few runners are along this stretch of road...and how dark it is!  I knew I was going to run at about 5 am, but for some reason I thought the sun would be coming out.  Kinda. as midnight.  I was so nervous getting ready to run!  Molly and Lisa were zonked out in the van, so we let them sleep.  Beth and Becky got out to wait with me.  Stacy ended up out on the road waving runners in and calling out incoming team numbers because one of the volunteers was missing.  The poor exchange chute girl was having to do everything herself!  I was so cold!  I was fumbling around trying to get my RunKeeper ready and my "I heart radio" app on!  I had such bad reception... it took another 5 minutes for my app to finish buffering.  I was terribly afraid I would have to run without music.  Can you say Nervous Wreck?!!!  Uh oh!  Here comes's time to go!  Reflective gear...head lamp...gloves...ugh!  Still no music!  Olivia gives me the slap bracelet, a hug, and a quick pep talk!  

And then I'm running out into the dark night.  We were running against traffic, along the left side of a divided road.  As I settled into my rhythm of breathing and running, I saw our van drive by on the other side.  No  honking of the horn in "Woot, Woot" from Stacy hanging out the window for me...we had to be respectfully quiet in that quasi-residential estate type area at that time of night/morning.  I suddenly felt very small and alone.  Powered by adrenaline (and certainly not by sleep), I got my first feedback from RunKeeper at 5 minutes.  Awesome!  I didn't even realize it, but I was running faster than my expected average of 10:45/mile.  Hey...actually see a runner ahead!  Could this be my first "kill"?  (passing up a runner)  YES!  That really boosted my confidence!  Geez, am I still running uphill?  When is this going to flatten out?  Is this whole leg uphill? (yes).  I am thinking I will warm up anytime soon...but my fingers are freezing in my gloves, and there's too much ventilation in my Asics Noosa Tri-8's to keep my toes warm.  Where did this dang wind come from?  And then...some guy zips past me!  It startled me because I didn't recognize that the change in lighting was from his headlamp.  And then another guy passes me going even faster!  Bastards!!  I will not let them take my confidence.  I can do this!  I continue to run faster than I expected, but the uphill climb is taking its toll on me....until I see another struggling runner.  "I can log another kill!"  Shamefully, that's the motivation I need to keep going!  I start to see the lights of Cave Creek and smell the bar-b-que preparations for Saturday's lunch crowd...and it reminds me that I'm hungry.  Almost there! 

 I can see the volunteer at the corner with her light wand waving people to the left towards the exchange.  There it is!  I arrive at the exchange ready to hand off the bracelet and pose for pictures...and no one is there.  "Team 142!!"  is announced again.  I shut down my RunKeeper, post on Facebook, close down my extra apps.  Still no one.  Really?  I call Beth...and she doesn't answer her phone.  What the heck?  I look up, and there are the girls.  Chatting.  About 10 feet away.  I get their attention to come over, as I'm being held hostage in the exchange chute until our next runner appears.  I am told that van 1 is on the way, after being woken up by Stacy.  For some reason, a miscalculation was made and they were under the impression they weren't on again until 8am.  It was 5:30am.  Oops.  They made really good time, because I only waited another 5 minutes until I was set free!  This was actually one of the better stocked Exchanges for goodies!  They had hot tea, coffee, and chocolate...apples, bananas and granola bars!

Done!  (and no pictures).  We drove from Cave Creek to Scottsdale, on our way to Fountain Hills HS for some much needed sleep.  We were damp, cold and hungry...and decided to make a stop at Starbucks to change and grab a small breakfast and coffee.  Why we'd choose coffee right before we took a nap completely escapes. me.  But it sounded good at the time.  We pulled into the HS right as the sun was coming up.  By then, the first round of napping girls was waking up and made room for our last runners to nap.  It was nice that the gymnasium was open for sleeping and the locker room facilities were available to us.  The students were on hand making pancakes and bacon...but we didn't want to take our chances.

 Breakfast and a nap was all we needed to feel refreshed!

We all felt like human beings again after some shut-eye, some food, and a change of clothes.  Maybe it's because we put our sweaty clothes in zip-lock bags, and some in trash bags...but our van was remarkably odorless!  I really expected things to be a lot worse!  

As the van 1 runners start to trickle in to the parking can feel the energy escalate!  Van 1 runners were done!  Completely!!  We were scheduled to start our last runs at 11:30am, and it was looking to be a toasty day, so we had to dress light.  Love our Sparkle Skirts !  

Before we knew it...we were getting messaged that our runner was arriving soon!  It was time for Molly to prep for her last run!

***Legs 31-36: 27.4 miles***
 Last runs - daytime- Fountain Hills to Tempe Town Lake

Molly runs leg 31 through Fountain Hills

 The hand-off to Stacy for leg 32...

Woot Woot!  Molly is DONE!!! Stacy starts running down Shea Blvd...our van hits a serious back-up in traffic!  It's so bad that Stacy actually passes us as we are stuck!  We are hoping that she realizes what's going on so she's not surprised if she beats us to our next exchange!  We decided to be rebels and go off the grid...we found an alternative route to our next exchange!

Lisa is ready to roll for an easy 3.1 miles...leg #33!

 Becky's up next for a challenging 6 mile leg...#34

This 70's team kept us amused at many exchanges!

Becky hands off to Olivia for her last 5.4 miles!

Now, throughout this race, I was dealing with some sinus issues that were getting worse by the minute.  My mistake was running outside last Sunday as I tested out my leg in Surprise.  I had been congested the last half of the week, and wasn't sleeping well because I couldn't breathe.  Now...I'm exhausted, congested, and my nose is running (go figure), over-heated...and finally realized I'm excessively hot because I'm running a fever!  I don't dare tell anyone because I want to pull my own weight in this race.  I will make it happen if I have to crawl over that finish line!

This is it!!!  I'm running the final 5.6 miles into the finish line!  Leg #36

As we waited for Livvie to finish, we decided to strip the van and clean the windows.  It was kind of a downer to me as we're cleaning up and getting ready to shut down...and I hadn't even run yet!!  I couldn't believe that this is it.  The final leg! 

 I must admit that I was so miserable, as soon as I was out of eyesight of the team...I had to walk.  I just couldn't breathe effeciently enough to get my rhythm.  I was so frustrated!  But, I rationalized, EVERYBODY is just as tired as I am!  I limited my walk breaks to 1 minute and pushed forward.  The scenery was beautiful!  I started at Coronado HS in Scottsdale and ran through a greenbelt/park route to Tempe Town Lake.  I knew it would happen...I heard some runners gaining on me.  I didn't have the energy to outrun them.  The girl only slightly got ahead of me and then maintained my pace.  The guy got ahead of me and had to walk uphill.  THAT's where I excel!  For some reason, I am compelled to run uphill.  My ginormous glutes are good for something!!  LOL!

  I let that girl set my pace for quite a while...then I got a second wind and decided to run along side of her for company and chat.  Things got a little dicey as we literally collided with a Segway tour of seniors!  Segways and runners were all jockeying for the same was interesting!  I don't think even my favorite Salted Caramel GU was going to pull me out of this energy drop...but then I saw it.  The one mile sign!!

That's what I needed to get me going again!  Right before I got to the Tempe Arts Bridge...I saw an angel!  It was Stacy, coming to pace me in to the end!  I was so happy to see her!!  She brought me my team shirt to slip on over my tank so we could all run in to the finish together!  As I crossed the bridge, I was handed one of our team's caution flags.  Along with our team captain, Audrey, I led the team, two by two down finisher's lane to the Finish Line!  Sweet Victory!  I didn't die in the process!

From the Ragnar website...the victory run!

"Bad Neighbors" team 142

We did it!!
We finished 146 out of 321 teams, Mixed Open

This was an absolutely amazing experience!

This is my souvenir that I treated myself to from James Scott Jewelry!  See my link on the sidebar to shop! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Did you know?
...that people who sleep more find it easier to focus...people who manage at least 3 hours of sound sleep per night are around 8% more likely to feel focused.  More sleep, more attention.  That's easy math.  (Jawbone UP24 insights)